- Create and Verify Digital Signatures using .NET Digital Signature Library
- .NET Digital Signature Library Code Samples
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void DigitallySignPDFFile()
PdfSignature ps = new PdfSignature("");
//load the PDF document
ps.HashAlgorithm = SignLib.HashAlgorithm.SHA256;
string keyVaultUrl = "https://YOUR-KEYVAULT-NAME.vault.azure.net/";
string vaultCertificateName = "NAME-OF-THE-CERTIFICATE";
//Digital signature certificate will be loaded from Azure Key Vault
ExternalSignature exSignature = new ExternalSignature(new Uri(keyVaultUrl), vaultCertificateName);
//bind the external signature with the library
DigitalCertificate.UseExternalSignatureProvider = exSignature;
//set the certificate
ps.DigitalSignatureCertificate = exSignature.RemoteSignatureCertificate;
//the signature will be timestamped.
ps.TimeStamping.ServerUrl = new Uri("https://ca.signfiles.com/TSAServer.aspx");
//write the signed file
File.WriteAllBytes("signed.pdf", ps.ApplyDigitalSignature());
public class ExternalSignature : Certificates.IExternalSignature
Uri _keyVaultUrl;
string _vaultCertName;
Uri _privateKeyUrl;
public X509Certificate2 RemoteSignatureCertificate { get; }
public ExternalSignature(Uri keyVaultUrl, string vaultCertName)
//get the Azure key vault location
_keyVaultUrl = keyVaultUrl;
//get the Azure certificate name
_vaultCertName = vaultCertName;
//Get the Azure certificate reference
var certClient = new CertificateClient(_keyVaultUrl, new DefaultAzureCredential());
var azureCertificate = certClient.GetCertificate(_vaultCertName).Value;
//get the private key Uri. The key cannot be exported. It can be only invoked
_privateKeyUrl = azureCertificate.KeyId;
//set the digital certificate in order to be used on signature creation
RemoteSignatureCertificate = new X509Certificate2(azureCertificate.Cer);
//this methos is invoked by the PDF digital signature engine when the signature is applied
public byte[] ApplySignature(byte[] dataToSign, Oid oid)
//the the Azure private key reference. The key is not exported
var rsaCryptoClient = new CryptographyClient(_privateKeyUrl, new DefaultAzureCredential());
//digitally sign the PDF data with the Azure unexportable private key
SignResult rsaSignResult = rsaCryptoClient.SignData(SignatureAlgorithm.RS256, dataToSign);
return rsaSignResult.Signature;
See also: